Corporate advisory revolves around providing advises in relation to contracts, tax implications, financial decisions and legal requirements to run any business. It enables clients to make better and informed decisions about how they carry operations and transactions in a corporate environment. Our firm has provided corporate advisory to clients specifically keeping the business objectives in mind. Such work involves advisory in the context of legislation, taxation, contractual obligations, assisting in taking decisions having legal implications. The main objective of offering corporate advisory services is to help our clients to improve and accomplish their short and long-term objectives. Read MoreRead Less
Our Corporate and Transaction Advisory services include:
Inbound and Outbound Structuring
Financial and Corporate Re-structuring & Takeovers
Joint Ventures and Foreign Collaborations
Assisting with drafting transaction documentation
Supply and Distribution Agreements
Trade Arrangements and Technology Transfer Arrangements
Mortgage and Lease deeds
Assisting with drafting transaction documentation
Assignment and Licence Agreements
Franchising Agreements
Services, Management and Operating Agreements
Manufacturing and Supply Agreements
Sale, Purchase, Lease and Hire of Assets
Loan Agreements
Software Licensing

At every single step, companies have to abide by the myriad range of provisions listed in legislation such as the Companies Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act, Securities Exchange Board of India Regulations and so on. Our team guides you while ensuring harmony with the regulations and extends secretarial support for drafting, maintaining statutory records and compliances. We offer a wide range of Company Secretarial Services that can be tailored to suit your requirements which includes: Read MoreRead Less
Advice on Corporate and Allied Laws
Incorporation of a Company – Private or Public, including conversion of a Private Company to a Public Company and vice versa
Incorporation of Trusts, Societies and NGOs
Setting up Partnership / Limited Liability Partnerships
Registration of a Foreign Company – Company establishing a place of business within India
Drafting petitions and appearing before various authorities, to obtain approvals under the
Companies Act, 1956 and Companies Act, 2013
Undertaking secretarial compliances related with the Companies Act, 2013 earstwhile Companies Act, 1956.

Litigation and Dispute resolution
Litigation refers to the process of preparing and presenting a case in court. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) includes mediation and arbitration, processes which can take place either independently of the court system or during the course of the in-court litigation process.While litigators seek to resolve conflicts in a court of law, mediators work with parties in private settings, helping them to arrive at mutually agreeable decisions. In mediation, decisions are ultimately made by the parties themselves and are non-binding, with parties free to pursue other avenues of redress if they remain dissatisfied. Mediators handle disputes in areas ranging from divorce and child custody agreements to landlord-tenant conflicts, employment discrimination issues and toxictort liability. Read MoreRead Less
Arbitration, on the other hand, is often regarded as a simplified version of a trial, with less-involved rules of evidence and procedure. In arbitration, decisions are made by the arbitrators and are binding on the parties. Arbitrators often handle disputes involving business-related matters, including labour, construction, real estate, insurance and securities, and often they have expertise in particular areas of contention.
Our litigation and dispute resolution services include the following:
Debt Collection Litigation;
Employment Litigation;
Partnership and Shareholder Disputes;
Contract Disputes;
Construction Contract Disagreements;
Breach of Contract;
Franchise Disputes;
Real Estate Dispute Litigation;
Patent Litigation;
Business Disputes and;
Non-Competition litigation;
Preparing and presenting the case before the Arbitrator;
Drafting and filing of Arbitration petitions before Courts all over India;
Domestic and International Arbitration;
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards etc.

Mergers and Acquisitions
A business may grow over time as the utility of its products and services is recognized. It may also grow through an inorganic process, symbolized by an instantaneous expansion in work force, customers, infrastructure resources and thereby an overall increase in the revenues and profits of the entity. Mergers and acquisitions are manifestations of an inorganic growth process. While mergers can be defined to mean the unification of two players into a single entity, acquisitions are situations where one player buys out the other to combine the bought entity with itself. It may be in the form of a purchase, where one business buys another or a management buyout, where the management buys the business from its owners. Read MoreRead Less
Mergers and acquisitions are used as instruments of momentous growth and are increasingly getting accepted by Indian businesses as a critical tool of business strategy. They are widely used in a wide array of fields such as information technology, telecommunications, and business process outsourcing as well as in traditional business to gain strength, expand the customer base, cut competition or enter into a new market or product segment. Mergers and acquisitions may be undertaken to access the market through an established brand, to get a market share, to eliminate competition, to reduce tax liabilities or to acquire competence or to set off the accumulated losses of one entity against the profits of other entity.
Our team of experts has handled a series of complex transactions involving mergers and acquisitions and we help our clients with their transactions keeping in view their objective out of such transactions

Contracts Drafting & Negotiation
A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties. The document details rights and duties governing an agreement. Though you can create a contract through written or oral agreements, contract drafting typically refers to written contracts. Parties may go through a few drafts and negotiate back and forth before finalizing a contract. The goal when drafting a contract is to create a document that is both legally binding and as close to all parties’ desires as possible, ensuring that the document is concise and clear. Even if you are making a simple agreement, it is usually in your best interest to create a written contract. Although an oral agreement is technically just as enforceable as a written contract, it is much more difficult (and thus costly) to prove that a verbal Read MoreRead Less
contract exists. A written agreement is therefore much less risky than a verbal agreement as it creates a document that clearly details both parties’ obligations and rights should confusion or a disagreement arise. We can help you with the drafting of below mentioned Agreements/Contracts:
Assignment and Licence Agreements;
Commercial Agreements;
Distribution Agreements;
Employment Contracts;
Franchising Agreements;
Joint Venture Agreements;
Loan Agreements;
Manufacturing and Supply Agreements;
Mortgage and Lease deeds;
Non Disclosure Agreements;
Sale, Purchase, Lease and Hire of Assets;
Services, Management and Operating Agreements;
Service Agreements;
Software Licensing Agreements.
Supply and Distribution Agreements.

Direct Taxes : Tax plays an important part in the entire operations of an organisation as well as an individual. Continuous development and increasing complexities in the economic environment leads legislators to bring rapid changes in tax laws. Our team is a blend of young and dynamic Chartered Accountants, which provides a full range of services in the field of taxation to assist our clients by analysing and advising on major developments in taxation regime occurring periodically and their effect on businesses. We provide the following services in this area: Read MoreRead Less
Compliance: We carry out various compliance related services which include the filing of corporate and non-corporate tax returns, deposit and filing of withholding tax returns, obtaining certificates for lower deduction etc., and appearance before the authorities in case of withholding tax proceedings and other proceedings under the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Litigation: We appear for regular tax assessments and also in appeals before the Commissioner (Appeals) and the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal and assist the client in case a matter goes further to the High Court.
Transfer Pricing: We carry out following Transfer Pricing services:
Preparation and filing of Accountant’s Report
Assistance in preparation of Transfer Pricing Documentation
Designing and implementing compliance policies and procedures
Transfer Pricing Planning and Supply Chain Structuring
Litigation Support / Transfer Pricing Controversy Management
Drafting and finalizing Advance Pricing Agreements, including preparation of supporting documentation
Preparation of detailed Master File and CBCR reports
Domestic Advisory: We advise our clients on tax planning opportunities keeping in view the changing dynamics of Indian tax legislation. We also carry out reviews of commercial and inter-company contracts, build tax management positions and risk mitigation strategies, conduct tax due diligence, undertake tax efficiency analysis and advise on business re-organisation from a fiscal perspective.
- International Taxation: We advise our clients on cross-border tax structuring, double tax treaties along with foreign tax systems/implications and tax advice on inbound and outbound investment. We also help our clients in expatriate taxation.

The key difference between Audit vs Assurance is that Audit is the systematic examination of the books of accounts and the other documents of the company to know that whether the statement shows true and fair view of the organizations, whereas, the assurance is the process in which the different processes, procedures and the operations of the company are analysed.
Audit and assurance are processes used for the evaluation of the financial record of the company. They are hand in hand process. Audit and assurance is the process of verifying the records available in the company’s accounting record are as per accounting standard and principle and it also confirms that accounting record is accurate or not. Read MoreRead Less
The audit is the process of evaluating the
accounting entries present in the financial statement of the company whereas Assurance is the process of analyzing and used in the assessment of accounting entries and financial records. An audit usually follows assurance. With increasing business needs and complexities, business houses need to be intrinsically strong, which requires regular assessment of their financials to adhere to best practices and comply with regulatory requirements and pronouncements. We are committed to the highest professional ethics, standards and principles. Our services include:
Statutory Audit: While performing Statutory Audit, our team ensures that the financial statements present a true and fair view of the financial position and operational results, in accordance with the applicable laws and pronouncements
Tax Audit and Audit of Trust and Charitable Institutions under the Income Tax Act, 1961
Special Audit: Special Audit or investigation of the financial affairs or specific areas is performed to critically review the operations at various levels of the Management to ensure sound process and effective control
Compliance Audit: While conducting the Compliance Audit, we assess whether the provisions of the applicable laws, rules and regulations made thereunder and various orders and instructions issued by the competent authorities are being complied with
Special Purpose Certification

Intellectual Property is considered to be the most important assets of any business these days.
We provide a wide array of services in this domain which includes: Read MoreRead Less
- Filing and prosecuting Trademark Applications, Copyright Applications, and Industrial Designs Applications;
- Drafting and filing Patent Applications / Specifications;
- Devising Anti-Piracy and Brand Protection Strategies, for national and multinational companies;
- Filing IP suits, appeals and petitions relating to infringement, passing off, and confidential
information and trade secret actions, in various courts all over India, as well as before the
Intellectual Property Appellate Board and other forums; - Filing criminal complaints and assistance in conducting raids;
- Advising on assignment / Licensing and Franchising issues, involving conveyance of IP assets in various sectors;
- Filing Domain Name complaints;
- Co-Branding, Brand Policies, Product Labelling Regulations, Intellectual Property;
- Valuations, Due Diligence and Portfolio Valuations etc.